Practised agility with Jess/Ginny...Kessel rushed Ginny several times, and although she did return on a recall, this didn't happen until after the disobedience (that is, she didn't come to me until after rushing Ginny, etc.).
Worked heavily on the pause table, doing lots of drive-bys. She is doing MUCH better. I am thinking about not using coucher and instead using down or just shaping the table to an auto-down. I don't want to risk ruining coucher, even if the possibility is slim.
Did some layering, especially with the weaves. She did quite well, though she slows down the further I am away from her. Still, no popping out of them - stays committed to the end! Also layered the teeter with the A-Frame/Tunnel combo, between.
Started the concept of an independent A-Frame by using the remote treat trainer, and it worked really, really well.
Put her in the crate and played with Ginny, and she remained really calm. Also helped Ginny learn "stand."
We've been going back to Mondioring, which I am just thrilled about. I ordered a jump from Christine, and just got it in, which is fantastic. It's a simple vertical, with only one pole, so it's quite airy. However, Kessel never once offered to go under or around the jump, which amazes me. She has such a wonderful work ethic. I worked her up to 3'6", just to see if the scope is there, and my goodness - is it, ever! Great, solid pattern with the touch pads. Started having her sit on the touch pad, but I am hesitant to continue doing, so soon.
Worked on send-aways, but didn't have my whistle. She is grasping the concept, but arcs wide to hit the touch pad so she's facing me at the end. Ended that work by placing a tennis ball on the touch pad and sending her. Will need to talk to Shelly/Nina/Ann, about this.
She definitely understands hold, now. In addition to the rigid plastic tube, she held:
1. An empty, 20 oz. soda bottle
2. An empty Crystal Lite tube
3. A flat, rubber cell phone case
Ended by placing her in a sit, at heel, and tossing the rigid tube, releasing her and marking the behaviour of approaching the object, quickly. I don't want to move towards shaping the actual retrieve without help from Shelly/Nina/Ann.
Need to work on food refusal with a helper to reward her.
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