Friday, April 27, 2012

Used Kessel as a demo dog for an Officer Safety/Canine Behaviour class that we put on for some of the Park Rangers. She was fan-freakin-tastic! She befriended everyone, and proceeded to do several "herd-enclosing" laps around the group, as well as follow individuals if they left the group to do something, then escort them back to the fold. Her herding mannerisms are so subtle, and few/far between, that it cracks me up when I notice them.

She was friendly, but not excessively so, and very polite with all the Rangers. I used her to demonstrate how to put a muzzle on a dog, and then safely lift that dog to load it onto a truck. Of course, that was kind of cheating, considering I taught her to wear a tight nylon muzzle when she was just a wee munchkin. I taught her to muzzle on command just in case I ever pursued French Ring, and because I think it's a valuable skill for any dog to have. doG forbid anything ever happen where she either has to wear one, such as a serious injury, or some natural disaster situation where I would feel better with her wearing one at an evacuation shelter, etc. I started working with the close-fitting nylon muzzle because they are more uncomfortable than the basket-style, and because they are what you'll find at veterinary clinics.

Still, I haven't worked on that behaviour in over a year (I busted the clasp on my muzzle by slamming it in a car door, and I never replaced it). I'm used to dogs/horses that have trouble recalling behaviours if I don't work on them regularly. I constantly forget that is not the case, with Kessel. I put the muzzle in front of her, said muzzle, and she shoved her face into it with gusto. Sat quietly while I took ages to adjust it, as the nylon was super-stiff and didn't want to budge. Then, she stood calmly while I talked about muzzles, picked her up, and put her back down. She acted as though she wore one every single day. She amazes me.

I also used her to demonstrate using a catchpole. She's never seen one in her life, but tolerated being "caught" and then led around on one, and even led up the ramp to one of my kennels. I say "tolerated" because she didn't think it was awesome, but she accepted it. She also let a few of the Rangers walk up and put her on the pole, too, which I thought was great!

There were 3 other dogs there she had never met, and she was (of course) very good with them, too.

I got lots of compliments on her general behaviour and her obedience. Also stirred up some interest in Mondioring, which is always cool.

So very pleased with the Wild Child. Never thought the psychopuppy would grow into such a lovely dog.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Things are going well. Trainer said we are ready for our first real trial! We're doing the NADAC trial the first weekend of June. Very excited about this, would never have thought we'd be this far along, in this short of time. Not saying we're perfect, but we've come so very far. I plan on doing Tunnelers, Touch-N-Go, and maybe Jumpers.

Went and practised with Ginny and Jess, today. We've decided to kennel them during each others training sessions, which is such a simple solution that I'm not sure why it's taken us this long to do it. Anyway, we worked with Ginny first, as Jess wants to increase her drive and speed on course. Ginny is very content to settle into a comfortable trot, and Jess ends up stuck - if Jess moves too far ahead of her, Ginny will sometimes wander off course, but if Jess hangs back, she reinforces the slow speed. I suggested restrained recalls over a line of jumps, then restrained lead-outs to build frustration. It worked VERY well for her! Also worked on engaging her before placement at the start line, by having Jess move backwards and mark the behaviour of Ginny coming in to her, and then asking for positions once Ginny is engaged. There was a very clear difference between the engaged Ginny and the happy, but not-quite-engaged Ginny. Definitely going to do a few more sessions with the restrained lead-outs and see how it goes.

With Kessel, I just worked on the sequences that gave us trouble at class, Monday night.
First was just a sequence of jumps we had trouble with. Went like this, starting down the long side:
Oxer - 5 strides - vertical - 2 strides bending line - vertical - dogleg turn - vertical - rollback - vertical - rear cross - vertical

Now, on the dogleg turn, I could either rear cross after that to the other vertical, or do a "badass pass." Since I would probably lose her on the rear cross and have her end up taking the tire that was on the same plane, I did the badass pass. Took a little work, but we ended up doing it very nicely.

Second issue we had was a simple rear cross to a serpentine to a tunnel. Not sure why this caused us so much trouble, but Kessel was very focused for that tunnel and very much wanted to blow past the second vertical and head straight for the tunnel. Worked it several times, ended well.

Worked on send-outs from a tunnel exit to weaves. Did great, but as usual, as she got tired she got fizzy, but I know the send-out is there. Ended on vertical-vertical serpentine to a tunnel, to the send-out to the weaves, back to the vertical-vertical serpentine.

Did some send-out work to the teeter with me hanging a little back. Surprised how well she did with the contact. Very pleased.

Coming along well! She's still kind of an airhead during obedience, which is frustrating because she's such a dependable dog in any other environment, in terms of obedience. Nina and Shelly were really pleased with her hurdle, and I think we will always have a really nice, solid hurdle that I won't have to worry about. I know she can handle the height, and the pattern gets more solid each day.

Did her first palisade! Last week, we started her on it, but she seemed a little confused, so we went to the A-Frame and made it quite steep to help bridge the exercise. This week, we did a few A-Frames, then moved straight to the palisade. It's just a baby one, but she didn't need any assistance from me to get over. I so wish this was something I could work on, at home, but I don't really have a random palisade in my backyard! 

Position work is so-so. Once again - not sure why she gets so weird on this field. Put her on a touch pad to work positions, and Nina had me using her interim word (good) for each position, feeding her, returning to my position, and then asking for the next one. Just frustrating to have to return to back-chaining when she is so solid on positions anywhere else.

Heeling is getting there. Did about 5-7 steps, marked/rewarded, etc. etc. Used her interim word a lot to keep building the focus. Shelly said she looks good, now it's just a matter of building on what is there.

Showed Nina and Shelly the send-away problem, and we worked on that. Nina had me go back to a shorter distance, and then marking/rewarding while she's on the touch pad, so that it builds her drive to get there faster. Will do this at home, too.

Still an asshole if she gets a hold of her tug. Takes off, does a few laps. Getting tired of this. Will probably use the e-collar to end this behaviour, because it's getting hold.

Working on hold at home, even though I can tell she doesn't really like it. If I push too hard, she gets stressed and looks away, licks her lips, eyes get hard. Still, she's now holding stuffed animals, shoes, her antler toy, a riding crop, a slipper, a DVD box, and a book. Last night, I had her hold her Crystal Lite tube, and I walked around the room while she held it. GOOD GIRL! :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Practised agility with Jess/Ginny...Kessel rushed Ginny several times, and although she did return on a recall, this didn't happen until after the disobedience (that is, she didn't come to me until after rushing Ginny, etc.).

Worked heavily on the pause table, doing lots of drive-bys. She is doing MUCH better. I am thinking about not using coucher and instead using down or just shaping the table to an auto-down. I don't want to risk ruining coucher, even if the possibility is slim.

Did some layering, especially with the weaves. She did quite well, though she slows down the further I am away from her. Still, no popping out of them - stays committed to the end! Also layered the teeter with the A-Frame/Tunnel combo, between.

Started the concept of an independent A-Frame by using the remote treat trainer, and it worked really, really well.

Put her in the crate and played with Ginny, and she remained really calm. Also helped Ginny learn "stand."

We've been going back to Mondioring, which I am just thrilled about. I ordered a jump from Christine, and just got it in, which is fantastic. It's a simple vertical, with only one pole, so it's quite airy. However, Kessel never once offered to go under or around the jump, which amazes me. She has such a wonderful work ethic. I worked her up to 3'6", just to see if the scope is there, and my goodness - is it, ever! Great, solid pattern with the touch pads. Started having her sit on the touch pad, but I am hesitant to continue doing, so soon.

Worked on send-aways, but didn't have my whistle. She is grasping the concept, but arcs wide to hit the touch pad so she's facing me at the end. Ended that work by placing a tennis ball on the touch pad and sending her. Will need to talk to Shelly/Nina/Ann, about this.

She definitely understands hold, now. In addition to the rigid plastic tube, she held:
1. An empty, 20 oz. soda bottle
2. An empty Crystal Lite tube
3. A flat, rubber cell phone case

Ended by placing her in a sit, at heel, and tossing the rigid tube, releasing her and marking the behaviour of approaching the object, quickly. I don't want to move towards shaping the actual retrieve without help from Shelly/Nina/Ann.

Need to work on food refusal with a helper to reward her.