Well, it's been two weeks since our last session. Not only was I out of town for a week, but The Boss was out of town for one session, as well. No big deal, right? Not entirely...
Kessel was pretty ramped up as soon as we walked in the door. The Boss told us to run through the tunnels and over the dogwalk a few times just to get re-acquainted with them. Since Kessel was being so sketchy, I opted to reward with her tug instead of with food. First, because I was low on treats (whoops!) and wanted to save food for introducing new behaviours. Kessel has been doing tunnels for months now, even before we started the class, so I have no problem putting her on the tug as a reward for that. It was actually working really well...until Kessel decided to put on a one-dog stampede. This time, she had the tug in her mouth and was barking non-stop.
Now, keep in mind I'm functioning on about 3 hours of sleep at this point. There was a big part of me that saw the cuteness in how delighted Kessel was with her decision to behave like a rogue. There wasn't any naughtiness involved, really. She was just in a good mood and that was her way of expressing it. The problem was that it wasn't playtime. It was time to work.
I hid in another room again, which worked. Still frustrating, but she didn't do it a second time, which I was thankful for.
We introduced them to the A-Frame, and Kessel and Gin got to play on the teeter with even more of a motion and more noise. Neither of them cared about it, at all, which was awesome! I seriously thought Kessel would have an issue with that obstacle, but she is still totally unperturbed by it.
The A-Frame is a lot easier for her than the dogwalk and teeter, in terms of contact. She's so long-legged that it's less work for her to just blow past the contact, or only keep one hind paw on it, on the narrow obstacles. The A-Frame is so huge that it's practically impossible for her to not have two paws on the thing. Hooray.
We ended with off-leash A-Frame to the curved tunnel, to the dogwalk. Pretty good, really. The Boss keeps telling me I'll love her drive in the future....hahaha...
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