Thursday, September 13, 2012

Whoops. I have been quite lax in updating this. 

Did the trial in June, and I considered it a success. As usual, I fell back on my horse-show mindset of setting personal goals rather than focusing on a ribbon. I wanted Kes to have a good time, low stress, and finish the trial a better dog that she entered. 

I learned quite a bit about my dog, really. I discovered that her obedience is beautiful under distraction. I learned that, underneath all of her bravado, she can brush off being charged/snarled/lunged at with a dignity and grace that puts even the most genteel Golden Retriever to shame. I learned that she considers the rope around the ring an obstacle, and will gladly jump it if my body language is telling her to do just that; I also learned that she will whip past all her friends (canine and non) and re-enter the ring to finish the course as though nothing strange just happened. I learned that some spectators were referring to her as a "badass." I learned that if I can get my shit together, she will be wicked fast at Tunnelers. :)

Did DAPPR's NADAC trial last weekend, and a lot of the hard work we've been doing really paid off. What I really wanted from this weekend was to get the obstacle discrimination questions, and we nailed 3 of the 4 we faced! I couldn't have been more pleased. That has been a struggle for us, and we have been working on it almost nightly for quite some time, now. We also did 2 days of the trial, instead of just 1, and I think she handled it well.


1. Novice Weavers: Started off with a bobble, as I couldn't tell whether she went through the opening hoop, or if she squeezed between the hoop and the timer. I hesitated, but decided to kick on, and just complete the course for a good experience. We were more or less in sync, with a few weird moments - she skidded across the wet grass and missed a tunnel entrance, and blew both 1st presentations to the weaves. Still, not only did we Q, we also placed first! 

2. Novice Touch-N-Go: First obstacle discrimination of the day, and boy did she listen! It looked deceptively easy, but if you got down and looked at the dog's view from the exit of the tunnel, all they could see was the second tunnel. They had to bend their line to the right in order to get the A-Frame. I was so proud I almost started crying! Unfortunately, I blew it, and pulled her off of the first hoop by bending over like an idiot. Then, on the second hoop, I switched hands while she was turning, which pulled her gorgeously tight, but she whacked the hoop with her tail and demolished it. Around the turn to the A-Frame, I'm not sure what happened .... I think I assumed she would take the A-Frame and I dropped my arm/hand, because she whipped completely around it! She knocked down another hoop, and I stupidly rear-crossed the following hoop, which pulled her way too tight and off the line to the hoop following it. Ooops! Like a good girl, she took the tunnel. Fantastic running contacts on this course. 


1. Novice Hoopers: This was our first time ever doing a hoopers course. My gut told me that it was either going to be great ... or awful! With her speed, we should be able to have a blistering run. However, my handling skills leave things to be desired. The run started out great! She slipped on the wet grass, again, though, which sent her flying past the 4th hoop. Her frustration with me just built and built throughout the course. Definitely need to make a bunch of hoops and go run them so we can get used to this class, because she sometimes seems to not understand the question(s). 

2. Novice Chances: This class surprised me! Our distance work is quite good, for a young/novice dog and green handler, so I thought we had a good shot at doing well in this class. I failed to notice a subtle trap because I was too focused on the obvious one! While I was concerned about her flying off course to take the dogwalk or tunnel outside of the line, I didn't notice the fact that there was a hoop at an angle to a jump that would very easily call her to me if I did not actively keep pushing her down the line. I really thought that she would focus on the line of fences, as she is usually so good about that. This was another course where she went completely around the A-Frame! Finished with good drive, though. 

3. Novice Tunnelers: I walked this course with 3 different options from tunnel 5 to 6. I finally decided to just go with what felt the most natural during the run, because
I was overthinking the entire thing. Our bobble from tunnel 3 to 4 was my fault, as I turned away from her instead of helping her get to tunnel 4 - oops! But, man - that rear cross from tunnel 5 to 6 was AMAZING! I was so happy with her for that. What an improvement from even 3 months ago! Another handler mistake from 8 to 9, as I turned too soon and she listened to me super well. Another Q and 1st! 

4. Novice Regular 1: Well, I managed to ruin our discrimination weekend! Not sure what possessed me to crouch over like that, but oh well. Loved her contact coming off the dogwalk, as it was controlled but quick. Also very pleased with our rollback through the hoops heading towards the vertical/tunnel. I deliberately hung back on the weaves, to try to ensure a good entry, but I think her blown entry was just overexcitement. I didn't walk the course with a rear cross as early as I did it, for the very reason shown in the video - the rear on the yellow vertical pulled her off the hoop. Ugh! Wish I could get my head on straight, sometimes! Another nice contact off the A-Frame. Even with our mistakes, I still really felt a good connection with her, on this run. 

5. Novice Regular 2: Less than pleased with this A-Frame contact. Like a moron, I opened my fat mouth and talked to her during the rear cross, which gave us that dropped bar. Also pulled her off the hoop, I think. But! AWESOME WEAVE ENTRY! And perfect obstacle discrimination. Thanks to NADAC's new change, we Q'd with 5 points and came in 3rd.

6. Novice Jumpers: Not sure what happened. I was so confident about this course. Kessel seemed so frustrated and cranky. Watching the video makes me cringe. Plus, I think the judge was asking us to leave the ring, but I honestly did NOT hear her during my run. I need to figure out why she was excusing us - were we over course time? Was I not allowed to re-present her to a fence after her going around it? I am really confused.